Grace's Community Garden
The garden space behind the little red house on 5th & Liberty is dedicated to providing vegetables and herbs to those in the community who need them.

Here's where you come in. We have a wishlist for plants for this year's garden. Our plan is to begin planting on April 30th. Plants are grouped by type, plant, seed, and crown. The number listed is the ideal number of plants we are hoping for. Variety is good, so don't feel they all have to be identical. When it comes to seeds, consult with the seed packet to determine how many are required.
Once you have purchased, use the form to tell us what you got! This keeps our list up to date so everyone know what we still need. Can't get out to buy plants but still want to help, we will happily accept donations too so we can buy plants. Just drop it by the office or send in a check.
Thank You!